With many organizations implementing software development strategies like agile and DevOps, companies deploy software at incredibly rapid speeds. Although this has a host of benefits, many organizations are optimizing for speed instead of quality, and this has resulted in the rise of a phenomenon called technical debt. With companies accumulating technical debt, their speed of deployment has decreased in addition to their quality of code. Companies need to explore solutions to help reduce their technical debt and improve their overall productivity. This is where Nearshore IT fits in.


What is technical debt?


Technical debt, also known as technology debt or code debt, is when the delivery of software is expedited by development teams which results in future development needs for a product. Technical debt solves one issue (speed of deployment) while creating many development issues that need to be solved in the future. This is a strategy that is often deployed to reach the market faster and get quicker feedback from users. It is a temporary strategy and should be used with the supervision of managers and senior developers.


Issues that arise from technical debt

Technical debt can cause a variety of issues for development teams. Some of the most common pain points that technical debt causes include:


Reduction of speed of deployment: Amassing technical debt will slow down the agility and speed of your development team. When you amass a high amount of technical debt, it can stop your development process because your team will be too busy putting out fires in your business.


Quality of code: The quality of your code can be diminished drastically due to technical debt. With technical debt, your developers will be too busy debugging and fixing software to ensure high quality code. This can lead to a variety of new issues.


Stress on QA: Your QA will be the team that faces the most pressure due to technical debt. Their workload will increase dramatically, and without additional staff, you will severely stress out your current QA team. This can cause a bottleneck in your development process and, ultimately, your entire business.

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How can nearshore IT solve these issues:


Measuring technical debt: The first step in addressing technical debt is measuring it. Many companies who have technical debt are unaware of just how much they have accumulated over months of their development practices. A Nearshore IT team can help quantify the amount of technical debt your organization has and make a reasonable plan to address it.


Management of technical debt: A nearshore IT team can help you mitigate and manage the technical debt your company has. With the support of a nearshore IT team, you’ll have additional staff to tackle your technical debt and you’ll be able to address all your technical debt while continuing with your day-to-day operations.


Following best practices: Nearshore IT teams have extensive knowledge on how to leverage technical debt. Since nearshore IT teams have worked with startups and large enterprises, they have years of experience with technical debt and can suggest the best practices for your organization to follow. This can help you reduce the amount of technical debt you have while deploying your products faster.


To learn more about how to solve technical debt with a nearshore IT team, talk to an expert here.


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