Custom Product Development Teams

from Design to Implementation

We meet client development teams at any stage. Often, they have a general business IT department and new product ideas requiring specialized expertise for design and development.

In other cases, they have an internal development team with design capability and an existing blueprint, but they need additional specialized resources to execute.

Whether you’re in the driver’s seat or need us to take the wheel from the outset, our custom product development teams can get you to the destination efficiently and effectively.

Blueprint Design Development Teams

If you have a vision for a software product you want to create and need expert resources to flesh out the idea and the development plan, we’re on it. This stage of development is called the blueprint, which sets you up for a smooth and successful implementation phase. During blueprint design, our development team takes your idea through a process that includes:

  • Market Validation, Benchmarking (competitive products, pricing, features)
  • Capturing High-Level User Stories
  • Creating Low-Resolution Wireframes (User experience)
  • Designing Application Architecture (components & technologies used)

Development Teams to Execute from a Blueprint

Whether you have a blueprint for us to work from or we take you through the blueprint process as outlined above, we can take that blueprint through implementation to release.

During the implementation phase, our development teams can work with you in a couple of different ways. The differences are important, and we can advise as to which one is optimal for your application.

Fixed Cost Fixed Time

One approach is based on fixed cost and fixed time. That means we take your blueprint and execute it as delivered with no changes. This model depends on a highly developed set of specifications, well-defined scope, and a very clear outline of delivery expectations and success metrics.

Incremental MVP Plus

The other approach accounts for more complexity and adds significant flexibility into the process to accommodate surprises and ever-evolving technology and business conditions.

We call this model “Incremental MVP Plus. The development team incorporates staff augmentation with a layer of management on top. This MVP Plus approach is iterative.

It starts with your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) as the foundation and allows for reprioritization of the pipeline based on customer feedback on the features that add the most value. It usually involves multiple and/or frequent product releases and is based on an hourly rate.

Getting Started with Custom Product Development

Ready to get your new custom product development project into gear? Let’s take a look at your blueprint or schedule time to discuss what it will take to develop one. We’re ready when you are to make your vision a reality.