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IT outsourcing for software development

Software development is often one of the most important and revenue-generating operations within businesses. The ability of a business to develop programs and applications cost-effectively dictates how fast they can [...]

The Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development

The use of custom software development by enterprises has increased dramatically in the past few years. Enterprises are developing custom software to help innovate on behalf of customers and streamline [...]

Why We Love IT Project Consulting

Enterprises of all sizes explore different types of consulting services to accelerate their projects and reach their KPIs faster. At Yuxi Technologies, we specialize primarily in IT project consulting. With [...]

What is IT staff augmentation?

IT staff augmentation is an outsourcing strategy that businesses use to hire skilled technical workers on a contract, temporary or permanent basis to help fill their needs. Instead of hiring [...]

How to hire the best IT talent

When businesses think of the factors that can limit the adoption of emerging technologies, common issues like policies and lack of awareness are among the top assumptions. The truth is [...]

Custom Product Development

Custom Product Development Teams from Design to Implementation We meet client development teams at any stage. Often, they have a general business IT department and [...]


IT Outsourcing Consultants for High-Tech Projects Technology demands fast, focused attention to stay ahead of the curve. When you need to solve specific challenges [...]

Staff Augmentation Software Development

Nearshore Staff Augmentation for Software Development The pace of innovation and the ebb and flow of software development projects make it challenging for any company [...]

How We Work

Professional IT Services that add value for your business In an ever-evolving digital ecosystem, the strategic partnership between businesses and professional IT services becomes paramount. [...]


Services Staff Augmentation Nearshore staff augmentation can amplify capacity to deliver IT services and software development, leveraging: Proximity & Timezones Productivity & [...]

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